添加怀俄明州Workers’ Compensation Codes and Rates
If you are an employer in the state of Wyoming, you will need to enter information about your Wyoming workers’ compensation insurance in Patriot Software. You should already know which workers comp codes and rates are assigned to your business. If you have questions about which codes and rates you should use, contact theWyoming Department of Workforce Services.
To administer your workers comp in Patriot Software
You will need to set up your workers comp codes at the company level before you can assign them to each employee. To set up at the company level:
Settings > Payroll Settings > Workers’ Comp Settings
- Click “Add Code” to add a new code.
- Enter each 6-digit code, an optional description, and rate percent used by your business.
- Click either “Save” or “Cancel.”
- Toeditan existing workers comp code, click the Edit icon in that row. You can now make changes in the appropriate fields for that code. Click either Save or Cancel.
- Todeletean existing workers comp code, click the Delete icon in that row. Note that if this code has been assigned to an employee and a payroll is run, this code will still appear in theWorkers Comp Wages Report.
Workers Comp Exemptions
There are two conditions where you should mark your company exempt from workers comp coverage:
- If your business is exempt from carrying workers compensation coverage
- If you are a Full-Service Payroll customer and want to calculate and pay your workers comp insurance yourself outside of Patriot Software
To mark your company exempt from workers comp:
Setings > Payroll Settings > Tax Exemptions by State
- Under the Wyoming section, choose “Exempt” from Workers’ Comp
- Click “Save.”
If your company is marked exempt from workers comp, you will not need to indicate a workers comp code at the employee level.
Now that you have added your workers comp codes and rates at the company level, next you’ll need to indicate which code each employee is assigned to, or whether the employee is exempt from workers comp coverage. SeeAdding Wyoming Employee Workers Comp and Unemployment Insurance Info.
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