Contractor Payment History Report
The Contractor Payment History Report shows all payment details for each independent contractor. This report is found underReports > 1099 Contractors Reports and Forms > Contractor Payment History.
You can filter the report by contractor and check date. By default, the date range shows the most recent two months. The report shows the 1099 Type, Amount, and Comments for each payment. Click “Download Spreadsheet” to download a .csv file that you can open in Excel.
To view or print a PDF checkstub of the payment, click the “View/Print Stub” link within the payment detail. You can also void or delete this contractor payment. SeeVoiding a Contractor Paymentfor more information.
You can also view a list of payments you made to an individual contractor under their record:Payroll > Contractor List > Contractor Name > Payments. If you also have Patriot’s Accounting software, you can also view contractor payments on theVendor Payment History Report.