How to Set Up Money Types
Money Types are payments made to employees in addition to their regular wages. Examples of Money Types are Bonus, Commission, or Severance.
See Also:How To Set Up Hours Types
As you set up your company in the wizard, you may customize your list of Money Types, depending on how your company uses them, and add an unlimited number of new ones if needed. The Money Types are listed alphabetically by description. In order to mark a type “Frequently Used,” check the box. Frequently used Money Types will always appear in your Payroll Entry Sheet to pay your employees.
To manage your Money Types after you have completed the wizard:
- Settings > Payroll > Hours & Money Types.You can mark a type Frequently Used right from this list without needing to edit the money type.
To add a new Money Type:
Click theAddNewlink. A set of blank fields will appear.
- Name:This is the long-word description for the money type that will appear on paychecks and in reports throughout the system. Can be up to 20 characters.
- Include as Taxable Income:If the money paid should be included in taxable income, keep this box checked. If the money is not taxable, uncheck this box. SeeWhat Types of Income Are Taxable?for more details.
- Repeating:If this money type can be used for paying employees a set additional dollar amount each payroll in addition to their regular pay, check this box. For more details, seeHow to add Repeating Dollar Payments in Payroll.
- Default Repeating Amount:If you have checked the “Repeating” box above, you can set an optional flat dollar amount for all employees who are paid this money type. You can add a custom amount on the employee’s record, if needed.
- Frequently Used:Check the box to always have this type appear in payrolls.
- W-2 Box:This only needs filled in for certain money types. See the dropdown for the list of options. If the money type does not fit in any of these categories, leave this field blank. The money will be included in the appropriate box on the W-2. For further instructions, seeIRS Instructions for Form W-2.
- W-2 Label:The available selections will depend on what was selected in the W-2 Box Number field. Only complete if the W-2 Box Number field is filled. NOTE: If you change the W-2 box number or W-2 label, the W-2 form only shows the box number and/or label that is current at the time of W-2 printing. If you are removing a box number, the W-2 will not show a box number or label for this money type.
- Include When Calculating Overtime:检查这个箱子如果这种钱我s a “non-discretionary” payment, meaning it is an expected part of the employee’s wages and tied to the employee’s performance. Non-discretionary payments are to be included when calculating overtime.If this money type is used for “discretionary” payments not tied to performance, such as a gift or holiday bonus, keep the box unchecked. Discretionary payments are not included when calculating overtime. For more details, seeIncluding Bonuses and Commissions in Overtime.
- Report Sick Pay Benefits (3rd Party Sick Pay):Only check if this money type will be used to update an employee’s wage file with taxable or non-taxable sick pay benefits paid to an employee by a third party (such as an insurance company.) If this box is checked, Box 13 on the employee’s W-2 will be checked, showing the employee received sick pay benefits from a third party as required by the IRS. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked. Do not check if an employee is enrolled in a sick pay plan but did not actually receive sick pay benefits. For more details, see the help articleHow To Set Up Third Party Sick Pay Reporting. For further instructions, seeIRS Instructions for Form W-2.
- When viewing all of your money types the “3PSP” column (3rd party sick pay) will indicate if you have checked this box for your money type.
To edit an existing Money Type:
Click the Money Type name you want to edit. Keep the“主动?”box checked to use this money type on the Payroll Entry sheet. If you uncheck it, this type will not appear on the Payroll Entry sheet, but will be available for reporting. Make your changes, and click eitherSave or Cancel.
To delete an existing Money Type:
Click the“Delete”trashcan icon in the row of the Money Type you want to delete. If you do not see a Delete trashcan icon in that row, this Money has already been used in a payroll and cannot be deleted. Click eitherOK or Cancel.
[RELATED ARTICLE: Understanding Tax Forms: What Is a W-2?]