Georgia New Employer Information
Congratulations on your decision to become a new employer in Georgia! You will need a few things in place before you run your first payroll:
Federal and State Tax Accounts
Federal Tax Accounts:
- 尽管这不是强制性的,但我们建议您参加EFTP(电子联邦税收系统)。您可以轻松在线注册。您将需要有此帐户才能在线缴纳税款或查看爱国者代表您提出的任何纳税申请。
- To find out more about EFTPS, read our article,“What Is EFTPS?”
State of Georgia Tax Accounts:
- You will need to register with theGeorgia Department of Revenue对于预扣税帐号,也称为州所得税(SIT)。
- New employers in Georgia can registeronline here。When you get to the page, select the business section at the bottom and choose “register a new business”. From there, you will be taken through the signup process.
Georgia new employers also need to在线注册with the Georgia Department of Labor for a state unemployment tax account number. You can also open a Georgia Unemployment Tax Account by completingdol-1a并在10天内将其邮寄到以下地址:
P. O. Box 740234
Atlanta, GA 30374-0234
- The Georgia new employer SUTA rate is 2.7%。
- You will be given a State Unemployment Tax Act rate every year in late December. Rates are determined by the佐治亚州劳工部。
- 有关更多信息,请阅读our help article“What Is SUTA Tax?”
Setting Up Your New Employee:
- TheForm I-9法律要求新员工。这是两部分的形式。第一部分将由雇员填写,第二部分由您,雇主填写。有关更多信息,请阅读“简而言之的I-9形式”。
- You must keep each employee’s completed Form I-9 as long as the individual works for you. For more information, read“员工档案中应该有什么?”
- Have your new employee fill outG-4表格,佐治亚州雇员的预扣津贴证书for state income tax (SIT).
- 当你支付我的员工n Georgia, you will need to set up their tax allowances as they indicated on their tax withholding form. For more information, read,佐治亚州员工税收扣除帮助。
You are required to report all new hires within 10 days from the date of hire or rehire.
Once you have all the necessary information, you will be able to set up your payroll for your business.
Please note that as an employer you will be required to keep employee payroll records for at least three years. For more information, read our help article, “雇主应该了解雇员工资记录”
Let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help!