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Company Credit or Debit Card Setup

Patriot Software accepts credit or debit cards from Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover as the only form of payment for software and service fees.

Although we require a credit card during your free trial, you will not be billed until your free trial is over. There is no obligation to stay, and you can cancel at any time without penalty.

To Enter Your Credit Card:
  1. Settings > Payment Settings > Credit/Debit Card Info.
  2. Click the编辑link at the top right corner.
  3. Enter a nicknamefor this card. The card nickname will appear on the Billing Activity page.
  4. Enter the card number.
  5. Enter the nameas it appears on your card.
  6. TheCard Typewill be chosen automatically based on the card number.
  7. Enter theExpiration Date.
  8. Enter theBilling Zip Codeused with the billing address for this card.
  9. Enter theSecurity Code.If you use Visa, MasterCard, or Discover, this is the 3-digit number that show on the back of your card. If you use American Express, this is the 4-digit number in the upper corner on the front of your card.



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