Business vs. Hobby: Which Is It?

You’ve decided to start a business. Er … is it a hobby? How do you know if you’re making a little side money from a hobby or running a full-fledged business? Does it matter? Well, the IRS cares about whether you have a business vs. hobby—so you should, too.

Read on to learn the difference between a hobby and a business, how to tell which you have, and why it matters.

The difference between a business vs. hobby

When you decide to pursue your passion and make some money from it, you either have a hobby or business. So, is it a business or a hobby?

The IRS defines the two as follows:

  • Business:Operates to make a profit
  • Hobby:Operates for sport or recreation,notto make a profit

Business vs. hobby: A business operates to make a profit; a hobby operates for sport or recreation

Of course, these are pretty general definitions. Your activities may fall in a gray area. Or, you might have confusion over which best describes your situation. When in doubt, use the IRS hobby vs. business nine-part test.

IRS hobby vs. business test

The IRS uses a nine-part test to help taxpayers determine whether they have a hobby or business.

Consider your answers to the following when determining if you have a business or hobby:

  1. Do you maintaincomplete and accurate books and recordsand carry out the activity in a businesslike manner?
  2. Does thetime and effortyou put into the activity show your intent to make it profitable?
  3. Do youdepend on incomefrom the activity for your livelihood?
  4. Arelossesdue to circumstances beyond your control or normal for the startup phase of your type of business?
  5. Do youchange methods of operationto improve profitability?
  6. Do you and your advisors have theknowledgeneeded to carry out the activity as a successful business?
  7. Have you hadsuccessin making a profit in similar activities in the past?
  8. Does your activity make aprofitin some years? How much profit does it make?
  9. Can you expect to make a future profit from theappreciation of the assetsyou use?

The IRSalso has a rule of thumb taxpayers can use. If you have an activity that is profitable forthree out of five consecutive years,美国国税局认为业务ss. And if you breed, show, train, or race horses, the activity is considered for profit if you turn a profit fortwo out of seven consecutive years.

For more information on whether you have a business or hobby on your hands, check out theIRS website.

Hobby vs. business tax law

所以,为什么difference between hobby versus business matter? It all boils down to business vs. hobby income. There are tax incentives for starting a business as opposed to pursuing a hobby.

Businesses can deduct qualifying ordinary and necessary expenses. So if you fall under the IRS classification of a business, you can take a tax deduction for eligible losses.

In the past, taxpayers who had a hobby could deduct hobby-related expenses as “miscellaneous itemized deductions” in certain situations. Not anymore. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act removed this deduction.

According to the IRS:

If you receive income for an activity that you don’t carry out to make a profit, the expenses you pay for the activity are miscellaneous itemized deductions and can no longer be deducted.”

Here’s the bottom line:Businesses can deduct expenses while hobbies cannot. Make sure you correctly classify your activity as a business vs. hobby in case of IRS audits.

Want a business classification? Tips to boost your chances

Maybe you want to inch into business slowly and start with a hobby. Or maybe, you’re ready to dive in and get that business classification.

If you want to improve your chances of turning your idea into a business, you need to know how to start a business.

Business owners:

Business? It’s time to set up your books.

When you start a business, you need up-to-date accounting books … and that all begins with setting them up. Download our FREE whitepaper to learn how to set up your accounting books for the first time!

This is not intended as legal advice; for more information, pleaseclick here.

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