The process of knowing your customer and verifying your client’s identity has become a common practice among many small businesses. To avoid taking on risky or sheisty customers, learn how to know your customer.
What is know your customer?
Know your customer or client (KYC) is a process where a company researches and verifies a customer’s identity before doing business with them. KYC allows you to access the potential risks of a business relationship.
KYC程序对于帮助您分析和监视风险的客户至关重要。而且,KYC是遵守的法律要求anti-money laundering(AML)法律。
Companies of all sizes can reap the benefits of knowing their customers. KYC allows you to find out details about your customers and avoid doing business with untrustworthy or illegal companies.
- 腐败
- Bribery
- 欺诈罪
- 洗钱
- 非法融资或活动(例如,融资内涵rorism)
KYC laws
In 1970, U.S. Congress passed the银行保密法。BSA是《联邦存款保险法》的修正案。BSA要求银行向金融犯罪执法网络和财政部提交五种类型的报告:
- 货币交易报告(CTR)的现金交易超过10,000美元
- 可疑活动报告(SAR)用于现金交易,看起来客户不遵循BSA报告要求
- Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) must be filed by any U.S. citizen or resident that owns a foreign bank account with at least $10,000
- 货币仪表日志(MIL)供银行保留所有现金购买的记录(例如,货币订单,出纳支票,旅行者支票),价值3,000美元至10,000美元
- Currency and Monetary Instrument Report (CMIR) is used to report a person or institution that physically transports monetary instruments in excess of $10,000 into or outside of the U.S.
U.S. Patriot Act
The CIPwas developed to help limit money laundering, terrorism funding, corruption, and other illegal activities. The main goal of the CIP is for you to verify your customers are who they say they are.
Although CIP helps guide businesses on pinpointing risky clients, it’s up to each business to determine the level of risk. For a successful CIP, complete a风险分析of your customer.
The Patriot Act requires banks or businesses to file a suspicious activity report if it notices illegal or unusual activity. But without knowing its customers, businesses are not able to meet this requirement. To meet KYC rules, CDD comes into play.
CDDis an important element in managing risks and protecting you and your business. With CDD, you must identify and understand your customers’ activities. Then, you can use the information you find to assess how risky they are to your business.
- Simplified Due Diligence (SDD)
- Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)
SDD is used in situations where risk is very low and full CDD is not necessary. For example, you might do SDD for a customer who has accounts with lower values.
EDD is when you collect additional CDD information about a customer. Typically, you will do EDD for higher-risk clients to get a deeper understanding of their business activity.
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
KYC process
Although each company is different, the KYC process is similar for any business that wants to know their customer. Ready to know your client? Follow the steps below.
Some businesses opt to have potential clients fill out a KYC form to get to know their customers better. This form usually includes the customer’s:
- Name
- Title (e.g., owner)
- 地址
- Phone number
- 电子邮件地址
- 社会安全号码
- 身份证明(例如护照,驾驶执照)
- Signature
- Date
Businesses might also use an electronic know your customer form to gather KYC documents. You can use an electronic identity verification (e.g., Lexis Nexis) to collect information about your potential customers. The KYC details you gather electronically are typically the same as a paper KYC form.
2. Create a CIP
Consider also including how you will notify customers about your KYC policy and identity verification procedure.
3. Look at CDD
- Location of the person and business
- The business’s transactions
- Pattern of activities
After you complete CDD for a customer, assess how risky they are. Consider creating risk profiles for each customer. That way, you can keep track of customers and look for patterns.
In your KYC policy, outline different levels or factors of riskiness. For example, you might consider a customer high-risk if they have numerous higher outgoing transactions in their account.
4. Continue to monitor customers
Now, you may think your job is done once you assess the customer’s risk and verify their identity. However, KYC is an ongoing process. Just because a customer passed your KYC test does not mean they should be off the hook.
- 活动中的尖峰
- 异常行为的模式
- 非法活动
Banking institutions can file a可疑活动报告(SAR)报告异常的客户活动。
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