Your Go-to Small Business Accounting Checklist

无论您是一家初创公司还是已建立的业务,都需要一种一致的方式来进行会计。看看小企业accountingchecklist below to help you keep track of your financial tasks.


As a startup business, there are several tasks you must complete to begin operating.

Choose a legal structure

您的法律结构为您的公司决定了许多重要因素,包括您的纳税责任。以下是四个专业types of business structuresto choose from:

Sole proprietorships是单人业务。所有者和业务被认为是相同的法人实体。所有者必须支付公司无法支付的任何商业债务。

Partnershipshave two or more owners. The owners are responsible for the business’s defaulted payments.


S公司separate the owners from the business, but only have one level of taxation.




Depending on your location, you may need to register your business with your state. Contact your state’s department of revenue to find out if you need to register your business. Also, check for any business licenses or permits you must have for your industry or location.

You need to register your business for state and local taxes if applicable. After registering, mark down all deadlines for form and tax remittances.

You may need an雇主身份证号码(EIN)如果您雇用工人,预扣税或经营公司或合伙企业。这些识别编号对于提交税是必要的。您可以在IRS网站上注册EIN。



Cash-basis accountingis the simplest accounting method. You record all incoming funds when you receive money. You record all outgoing funds when you spend money. For example, you record revenue when a customer hands you cash for a product. You record an expense when you send a check to a vendor.

accrual accounting, you record all incoming and outgoing funds when you incur them. For example, you record revenue when you invoice a customer. You record an expense when you receive an invoice from a supplier.

An easy way to record your business’s transactions is to use onlineaccounting software。您可以通过Internet连接从任何地方访问软件程序。该软件将为您计算总计并存储您的财务信息。

Set up your business accounts


Open aseparate business bank account您仅用于公司。另外,申请商务信用卡。


Develop good accounting habits to keep your financial records on track. There are tasks you should complete daily, weekly, and monthly. Take a look at our small business accounting checklist to keep your finances in order.

Daily checklist



Weekly checklist

Invoice customers.Make sure you send an invoice for every sale that requires one. Check for any unpaid invoices. If you have an overdue invoice, contact the customer or send aninvoice collections信。

Pay your invoices.支付发票和账单在其到期日期之前。按照发票上的付款说明。如果您对付款有疑问,请联系您的vendor。Pay attention to vendors who offer early payment discounts.

Pay your employees.If you have employees and it is payday, write employee checks. Withhold taxes and deductions from the paychecks. Deliver the paychecks to employees with a consistent method.

Record transactions.在整个星期中,保留所有发票,收据和付款的副本。在您的书籍中的适当帐户下记录所有传入和即将移交的钱。在您的记录中组织和提交供应商信息,新的客户信息和薪资文件。

查看您的cash flow.您的现金流量衡量一定时期内的资金并离开您的业务。项目现金流量以确保您可以在下周支付费用。

Monthly checklist

平衡您的支票簿。在每个月结束时,reconcile your bank statement与您的会计书。为此,您将书籍中的每一行与银行对帐单上的订单项进行匹配。例如,您的书说您向电动公司支付了50美元。确保您的银行对电动公司的撤回$ 50。

Check your inventory.If you sell or use products at your business, count and record your inventory. Check for any damaged, expired, or missing存货。If you need to, order more inventory.

Pay payroll taxes.You should paypayroll taxes按月或semi-weekly时间表。您可以使用the IRS Publication 15 to determine your schedule. Remit tax payments to the appropriate government agency.

查看您的financial statements.Your business’s financial statement can reveal a lot about your progress. Take a look at your reports to determine which parts of your operation are profitable and which slow you down. Statements include theprofit and loss statementand balance sheet.



查看您的financial statementseach year to track progress and plan for the next year. The end of the year might be a good time to check in with your accountant.

Year-end can creep up quickly. Download ourFREE指导,Are Your Books Ready for Year-end?, to learn what to include on your year-end accounting to-do list!

Do you need a simple solution for your small business accounting needs? Patriot’sonline accounting softwareuses an easy cash-in, cash-out system. We offer free, U.S.-based support. Try it for free today.

This is not intended as legal advice; for more information, please点击这里。

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