





Record accounts receivable if you use the accrual method of accounting. Withaccrual accounting,您一收入而不是收到钱时就记录收入。换句话说,您一旦发送发票就可以记录收入,而不是付款时。

由于发票应在短期内到期,因此应收账款是短期的资产。Short-term assets can be converted into cash quickly, usually within one year.


Track receivables in an accounts receivable summary. Make a list of your customers and their corresponding balances due. Create columns that show how old each invoice is.


Let’s say you own a mechanic shop. List the customers who owe your business money in the first column. Then, record the balances due in the appropriate aging column. Here is what your accounts receivable summary would look like.

Accounts Receivable Summary For July 1-5

Customer Current Past Due 1-30 Days Past Due 31-60 Days past Due >60 Days 全部的
鲍勃·贾斯珀(Bob Jasper) $3,042 $3,042
狮子座布莱斯 $ 1,289.50 $ 1,289.50
Amy George $2,220.75 $2,220.75
Fred Astor $ 375 $ 375
Heidi Baxtor $448.25 $448.25
伊莎贝尔·曼(Isabelle Mann) $ 711.55 $ 711.55
全部的 $6,552.25 $ 375 $448.25 $ 711.55 $ 8,087.05

You might have worked on Bob Jasper’s car, but he did not pay you at the same time you fixed his car. He owes you $3,042. The money he owes is a receivable. Since Bob’s payment is not past the due date, you report the amount he owes in the current column.

If Bob does not pay you within the defined period, move the amount owed over to the next aging column. This应收账款流程allows you to keep track of how much money is owed to you.

Recording AR in your books

If you use accrual accounting, you need to record accounts receivable in your books. Record accounts receivable as an asset on the balance sheet.

通过应计会计,您必须使用双输入簿记。That means that for every transaction, you record two entries. One entry increases the account while the other decreases it. The opposing entries balance your books.

To do double-entry bookkeeping, credit one account and debit another. Each type of account is affected differently bydebits and credits。这是帮助您的指南:

debits and credits chart

Accounts receivable is an asset. Assets are increased by debits. And, assets are decreased by credits.


Remember, for every transaction you need to make two entries. When you make the sale, you give the customer a product. Your products are part of your存货,这是一项资产。



Accounts receivable turnover ratio


To find the accounts receivable turnover ratio, divide the net credit sales by the average account receivables:

Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio = Net Credit Sales / Average Accounts Receivables


The average accounts receivable is the total of the beginning and ending accounts receivable divided by two.

For example, last year, a company had $800,000 in net credit sales. At the beginning of the year, its accounts receivable was $40,000. At the end of the year, its accounts receivable was $50,000.Average Accounts Receivable = ($40,000 + $50,000) / 2 = $45,000
应收账款营业额= $ 80,000 / $ 45,000 = 1.78



You might realize you need to improve your process for collecting invoices. Review your collection process to see if you can simplify how customers pay you. The easier it is for customers to make payments, the faster you collect receivables.

Set clear发票付款条款。发票应回答以下问题:

  • 我在哪里发送付款?
  • 我该向谁付款?
  • How should I pay (i.e., check or cash)?
  • 我什么时候应该付款?
  • 如果我提早付款,我会收到津贴吗?
  • Am I penalized if I pay late?
  • 我怎样才能到达业务?

If a customer does not pay by the due date, you might need to send a collections letter or charge a late payment fee.

If it is an ongoing problem and a customer owes you a lot of money, you might want tohire a collection agency。Usually, the agency charges you a fee or percentage of the amount collected.

If you cannot collect a receivable, it is called呆帐。You can subtract bad debt from your gross income on your tax return. You must have reported the debt as income on the previous tax return to claim the bad debt.


Many times, it’s easier to make a sale on credit rather than having the customer pay up front. A customer might not have the cash on hand needed to pay the total amount due.


向客户提供信贷is a great way to offer convenience and widen your customer reach. But, you need to track where you extend credit carefully. Accounts receivable shows you how much money your customers owe your business.

The time it takes customers to pay invoices affects your小型企业现金流。现金流是您业务中现金的流入和流出。应收账款向您显示您期望收到的钱以及期望的速度。此信息可以帮助您进行预算和计划。

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This article was updated from its original publication date of 8/23/2012.

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