
In business, it seems like you dole out money for anything and everything. Employee wages and inventory purchases are just some of the payments you might make. Sometimes, you may make payments that fall under the IRS’s miscellaneous category. And if you do, you must report them as miscellaneous information (formerly miscellaneous income).



如果您向1099个供应商付款,则必须将这笔钱报告为其他信息表格1099-misc, Miscellaneous Information. Previously, these types of payments were called miscellaneous收入。

The IRS considers a few payments as miscellaneous. So, what kind of miscellaneous income do you need to know about?

What is miscellaneous information? Miscellaneous income is now called miscellaneous information. It includes certain payments (e.g., rent, royalties, and fishing boat proceeds) you must report to the IRS.


  • 租金
  • 特许权使用费
  • 渔船进行
  • 医疗和医疗保健支付
  • 作物保险进行
  • 购买的鱼类购买现金用于转售
  • 总收入授予律师
  • 其他收入支付(例如,奖品和奖励)



Prior to 2020, miscellaneous income also included “nonemployee compensation,” which is the amount you pay independent contractors.现在,非雇员薪酬与其他信息分开。与其向表格1099-MISC报告独立承包商付款,不如将其报告表格1099-NEC,非雇员赔偿。

How to report miscellaneous information

As a business owner, you must report miscellaneous payments you make on the 1099-MISC tax form. Individuals receiving Form 1099-MISC use the information to report their miscellaneous earnings on their federal tax returns.

包括您为每种类型的其他信息支付的金额exceeds $600。如果您支付了特许权使用费,则报告金额超过10美元。


盒子 Category 细节
方框1 租金 如果您为您的业务租用实体位置,并且不向房地产经纪人或房地产经理付款,则这些付款被认为是其他的。还将机器和牧场租赁作为其他信息。
方框2 特许权使用费 向某人付款以使用财产(例如,专利,版权等)被视为其他信息。
方框3 其他的收入 这种类型的杂项信息包括任何其他类型的1099-MISC付款,这些付款不属于特定类别。例子包括奖品和奖励以及已故员工支付给受益人的工资。
方框3 Prizes and awards Report any money you paid in prizes and awards that are not for services performed (e.g., amounts paid to a sweepstakes winner not involving a wager).
方框3 名义主要合同 If you paid any cash from a notional principal contract to an individual, partnership, or estate, report the amount here.
盒子5 渔船进行 报告每个机组人员在出售渔船或公平市场价值中的所有收益中的份额,如果渔船通常少于10名机组人员。
盒子6 医疗和医疗保健支付 如果您在贸易或业务过程中向医生或其他医疗和医疗保健供应商或提供者付款,请在此处报告该金额。
盒子9 作物保险进行 Insurance companies report crop insurance proceeds paid to qualifying farmers.
方框10 总收入支付给律师 与法律服务有关的律师付款,但不是为律师服务而言,是杂项收入。
方框12 第409A节延期 If you opt to complete Box 12, report deferred amounts for nonemployees under nonqualified plans. Keep in mind that完成此盒子不是强制性的
方框14 无质量延期赔偿 如果您推迟根据第409A条的收入中包含的金额,因为不合格的递延薪酬计划不符合要求,请在此处报告。

当然,你还需要输入信息the name, address, and identification number of the person you made the payment to on Form 1099-MISC. And, include your business information.




  • 复制A:国税局
  • 复制1:州税务部(如果适用)
  • 复制b:接受者
  • Copy 2:接收者(向其州所得税申报申请)
  • Copy C:Your records

You can mail or e-File Forms 1099-MISC with the IRS.




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