

Financial reporting for small business

Financial reporting and analysis consists of the records you compile to track business funds. Use financial reports to see how well you manage money. Recognize items such as资产, liabilities,owner’s equity,收入,以及业务费用in your financial reporting standards.

Types of financial reports

Types of financial reports include:

  • 走读生al statements
  • 财务笔记
  • 季度和年度记录
  • Government reports

What are financial reports used for?

财务报告的目的是为您提供对业务绩效的深入分析。报告帮助business valuation, predicting future cash flow, and investment planning.

The transactions in your reports show the financial effects of your decisions. Some reports are for internal use while others are used by outside entities. Investors, lenders, and government agencies often look at your business’s financial reporting. You may need to implement internal controls over financial reporting for outside entities to ensure accuracy.

Use a consistent method for each report you prepare. That way, you can easily compare figures from different reports.


Financial reporting and财务报表are often used interchangeably. But in accounting, there are some differences between financial reporting and financial statements. Reporting is used to provide information for decision making.

Statements are the products of financial reporting and are more formal. Often, you use statements to communicate your financial health to outside entities. Prepare financial statements for each会计时期。


There are many kinds of financial statements. Here are three common statements small businesses use:

  • Balance sheet
  • 收入证明
  • 现金流量表

Balance sheet

Thebalance sheet在特定时期内给您的财务状况快照。您记录资产,liabilities和资产负债表上的权益。通过查看资产负债表,您可以看到业务的净值。

balance sheet


The收入证明measures performance over time. You record revenue, expenses, and net profit on the income statement. This statement tracks your business’s profitability.



Thecash flow statementshows how well you manage money. It reports incoming and outgoing cash as you receive payments and make purchases. Use the cash flow statement to make sure you have enough money on-hand to operate.

cash flow statement


养成组织财务报告的习惯是很棒的。但是,收集数据并不使用数据是没有意义的。计算key financial ratios for small businessand look at information on your reports to make decisions.

Ratios from your financial reporting system





Debt-to-equity ratio


Working capital

营运资金是您支付短期债务后拥有的金额。您使用营运资金支付日常运营。使用资产负债表查找营运资金by subtracting current liabilities from current assets. Another related and helpful ratio is the quick ratio. The快速比率的目的is to determine how easily your business can meet your short term debts.


The way you create financial reports depends on the kind of report you need. For all financial reporting, your first must decide the time frame you want to look at. And, you need to locate the appropriate information in your ledger.


Follow these steps to make a balance sheet:

#1。List the assets on the left side.从流动资产或项目converted into cash within one year. Then, list the non-current assets, which are items that take longer to convert into cash. At the bottom, add all the assets together.

#2。List the liabilities on the right side.首先,列出将在一年内支付的当前负债。然后,写非流动债务,费用需要一年以上的费用。将负债添加在一起并注意总数。



Follow these steps to make an income statement:

#1。列出收入。This includes all your sales and the amount your business has before any deductions.

#2。列出出售商品成本(COGS)。The商品成本includes expenses that go directly into your product or service.



#5. List the amount paid in interest and taxes.




#1。List the operating activities.Operating activities include the income and expenses directly related to operating your business. Find the subtotal and list the amount as the net cash provided by operating activities.

#2。List the investing activities.投资活动包括从投资中支付或获得的现金。将本节的总数写为通过投资活动提供的净现金。


#4。总结每个部分。Label each total as an increase or decrease in cash.

Financial reporting tools

You can use financial reporting tools to make statement creation easier. Basic accounting software compiles information from your books and generate accurate statements for you. If you use an online solution, you can access your reports from anywhere with an internet connection.


What is financial reporting going to do for your small business?


You should be able to answer the following questions with financial reporting:

  • Are your prices effective?
  • Is your business growing (earning more than in the past)?
  • Which customers spend the most?


Need a simple way to record your business transactions? Patriot’s online会计softwareis easy-to-use and generates financial statements for you. We offer free, U.S.-based support. Try it for free today.

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