社会保障佤邦ge Base Is Your Cue to Stop Withholding This Tax

缴纳社会保障税是一种悠久的传统 -自1937年以来,确切地说。雇主和雇员付款the tax. But when an employee hits the Social Security wage base, it’s game over for withholding and contributing the tax.

Although the Social Security tax rate generally does not change from year to year, the Social Security taxable wage base does.

Read on to learn more about Social Security tax. Learn what the withholding rate is, what the wages fund, and—of course—the wage base.

Your 1-minute overview of Social Security tax

Social Security tax is an employment tax employers withhold from employee wages and contribute a matching portion. Both Social Security and Medicare taxes make up thepayroll taxknown as FICA.

Here’s a quick recap of employment taxes and who pays what:

  • Federal income tax: Employee
  • FICA tax:员工和雇主
  • Federal unemployment tax: Employer
  • 州失业税:雇主(某些州的雇员加上雇员)
  • 州所得税(如果适用):雇员
  • Other state taxes (if applicable): Employee
  • Local income tax (if applicable): Employee

The Social Security Act, which is the law that started the program,was signed into lawin 1935. Social Security is a social insurance program. The Social Security Administration is the federal agency that administers the program.


The Social Security tax withholding rate is 6.2%. You must withhold 6.2% from each employee’s wages. The Social Security employer contribution is also 6.2%.

假设员工每笔薪水收取1,000美元。您必须从工资中扣留62美元($ 1,000 x 0.062),并额外支付62美元的社会保障税。

Again, both Social Security and Medicare make up FICA tax. Medicare tax is 1.45%. So, FICA tax is 7.65% for the employee portion and 7.65% for the employer portion (6.2% + 1.45%).


Social Security tax funds a number of things, including benefits for:

  • Retired workers
  • Retired workers’ dependents
  • Disabled workers’ dependents
  • 幸存者

According to the Social Security Administration, retired workers receive an average monthly Social Security benefit of $1,514. Disabled workers receive an average monthly benefit of $1,259.

Social Security taxes also go towards paying for the administration of the program. After paying out benefits and administration costs, there is a surplus.联邦政府借从社会保障基金中剩下钱。政府负责支付借入资金的利息。

Social Security wage base 2022

Now, onto the good stuff. The Social Security withholding limit.

Only withhold and contribute Social Security taxes until an employee earns above the wage base. Stay up-to-date with the annual Social Security wage base because it generally changes each year.

The 2022 Social Security wage base is $147,000. The 2021 Social Security wage base is $142,800.

social security wage base for 2022



The maximum Social Security contribution in 2022 is $9,114 ($147,000 X 0.062). In 2021, the contribution limit is $8,853.60 ($142,800 X 0.062).

如果您扣留超过$ 9,114(2022)或$ 8,853.60(2021),则超过工资基地,必须报销您的员工。

Remember that the amount you withhold for each employee is based on how much they earn.

  • 消除对手动计算的需求
  • Say goodbye to accidentally withholding above the Social Security wage base
  • Enjoy free (and friendly!) USA-based support

Do other taxes have a wage base?

Social Security tax is the only federal tax employees pay with a wage base. Although Medicare also makes up FICA tax, it does not have a wage base. Instead, it has an additional tax once an employee earns a certain amount.

Keep in mind that some state taxes, like SUTA tax, and federal unemployment tax also have a wage base.

Social Security wage base history

Do you enjoy history? Take a look at this list of Social Security wage bases since 2000:

Year 社会保障工资基础
2022 $ 147,000
2021 $142,800
2020 $137,700
2019 $132,900
2018 $128,400
2017 $127,200
2016 $118,500
2015 $118,500
2014 117000美元
2013 $113,700
2012 $110,100
2011 $ 106,800
2010年 $ 106,800
2009 $ 106,800
2008 $102,000
2007 $97,500
2006 $94,200
2005 $90,000
2004 $ 87,900
2003 $87,000
2002 $84,900
2001 $80,400
2000 $ 76,200


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