How to Handle Taxes on Vacation Payout


Taxes on vacation payout

同样,美国国税局提供了有关如何处理一次性度假支出的信息。IRS出版物15states that an annual lump-sum payout for unused vacation time is a supplemental wage for employees (which we’ll get to in a minute).


如果付款未使用的休息时间,则假期支付的税款以几种方式有所不同。社会保障和Medicare tax预扣不会改变。雇主仍然为雇主和雇员计算6.2%的社会保障。而且,雇主和雇员的Medicare仍然为1.45%。

But, there’s a flat tax rate option for federal income tax forsupplemental wages。,一些州也有一个补充税rate for state income tax.

Taxes on vacation payouts include federal income tax, FICA tax, and state and local income taxes.



Supplemental wages are any wages in addition to an employee’s base pay. Examples of supplemental pay includes:

  • Bonuses
  • 委员会
  • 加班费, if not treated as regular wages
  • 遣散费
  • 返还薪水
  • Reported tips
  • 追溯薪水增加
  • 奖项
  • 奖品
  • 无需搬家费用的付款
  • 累积病假的付款

Tax rate on vacation payout

联邦补充统一税率为联邦所得税22%only。But, there are different methods to withhold income taxes for the supplemental payment of a lump-sum vacation payout.


  1. 如果您在当前或前几年扣留或不从员工的常规工资中扣除所得税
  2. How you plan to pay the supplemental wages to the employee

Here are the ways to withhold FIT on vacation payouts, according to Publication 15:

  1. 如果您在当前或上一年中扣除员工工资的所得税,则可以:
    1. 扣留22%
    2. Pay vacation payouts concurrently with regular wages as one total and calculate FIT as if the total is a single payment for a regular pay period
    3. 与常规工资分开支付补充工资。将员工的正常工资金额和度假付款金额加在一起。查找总计的税收责任。然后,从总税收责任中减去雇员对定期工资的纳税责任。将差额作为扣除度假支出的税额。
  2. 如果您在当前或去年没有从员工的工资中扣除所得税:
    1. Pay vacations payouts at the same time as you pay an employee their regular wages. Calculate FIT as if the total wage amount is a single payment for a regular payroll period.

Is the vacation payout tax rate in addition to standard federal income tax withholding?

如果企业决定将休假时间作为补充收入向员工支付,则联邦所得税率为onlythe flat tax rate of 22%. Do not withhold the standard federal income tax rates for employees plus the 22%.

例如,员工有40个小时的未使用假期。员工每小时赚取$ 12.50,因此度假支付的总工资为500美元(40 x $ 12.50)。将$ 500的乘以度假支付税率为22%,以确定扣押的联邦所得税税(110美元)。

  • Add time off to employees
  • Track unused time
  • 以三个简单的步骤运行工资单




What is a use-it-or-lose-it policy?

Federal laws do not require employers to offer vacation policies to their employees. And typically, state laws do not require employers to offer paid time off or vacation time. But, some states do have laws regarding vacation time if a business offers it to its employees.


Not all states have laws regarding use-it-or-lose-it policies. UnderstandPTO支付法律法保持合规。而且,如果您的企业在不同州拥有员工,请查看员工居住的每个州的法律。

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