
Employers are responsible for withholding, remitting, and filing payroll taxes on behalf of their employees. And, there are some taxes you contribute on behalf of your employees. Social Security tax is one of those essential taxes that impacts both the employer and the employee.


  • What is Social Security tax?
  • What are Social Security taxes used for?
  • How much is Social Security tax?
  • 您如何计算社会保障税?
  • Where and how do you report Social Security tax?

What is Social Security tax?

Social Security is a mandatory payroll tax paid by employers and employees. Employers and employees in the United States must pay the tax. This means that not only do employers need to withhold Social Security taxes from employee wages, but they also need to pay social security match, which equals the employee tax, and deposit both portions to the Social Security Administration.

社会保障是两者之一Federal Insurance Contributions Act(FICA)税。另一个是医疗保险税。

If you are self-employed, you do not pay Social Security tax. Instead, you pay self-employment tax. Self-employment tax is similar to paying both the employeremployee portion of the total FICA tax. The Self-Employed Contributions Act (SECA) mandates self-employed individuals to pay this tax.

Tax rates are subject to change every year, and that can mean making year-end changes.


What are Social Security taxes used for?


  • Retired individuals
  • Widows and widowers
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Children and survivors of individuals

这official name for Social Security is Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI). Most individuals who receive the tax benefit are 65 years or older. Survivors’ payments are for the surviving spouses or children of deceased workers or retired workers.

How much is Social Security tax?

So, what is the Social Security tax rate? The total amount of Social Security tax is a flat rate of 12.4%. But, both the employer and employee pay half of the tax. The employer pays 6.2%, and the Social Security employee tax is also 6.2%. Withhold the percentage from the employee’s gross taxable wages and contribute your half based on the employee’s gross taxable wages.

Social Security taxes have a wage base. So, only a certain amount of employee wages are subject to Social Security tax. The Social Security tax limit 2022 is $147,000.

工资基础是什么意思?这wage base for Social Securitymeans that you stop withholdingcontributing to the tax for an employee once their wages reach the wage base for thecalendar year.Wage bases tend to increase every year to accommodate the rising cost of living.



通常,社会保障税emplo支付yee’s wages regardless of their age or if they are receiving Social Security benefits. However, some wages, such as employee expense reimbursements, are exempt from Social Security tax. You can learn more about exempt wages in出版物15

How do you calculate Social Security tax?


假设您向员工支付$ 1,000gross wages。将$ 1,000乘以6.2%,以确定从员工的工资中扣留多少。因为您的贡献相同的金额,请使用计算的金额来确定您的贡献。

Social Security tax = $1,000 X 0.062 = $62


Once the employee earns $142,800 in 2021 ($147,000 in 2022), stop withholding and contributing Social Security tax on their wage. If the employee’s wages never reach the annual wage base, do not stop withholding and contributing the tax.

Where and how do you report Social Security tax?



After you complete the appropriate form, mail it to the IRS. Use theIRS表格941网站确定在哪里提交季度退货。年度申报者可以使用IRS Form 944 websitefor more information on where to mail their return.

到每年1月31日,您将为您的每个员工提供一个表格W-2。This form lists the amount of all the employment taxes you withheld from their wages during the previous year.

You will also submit Form W-2 and表格W-3(摘要传输表)给社会保障局,该局记录了当年扣留的税款。W-2和W-3表格必须在1月31日之前提交。您还必须向州税务局提交这些表格。

How do you pay Social Security taxes?

每月或半周的基础将社会保障税(以及医疗保险和联邦所得税)存入。您的存款时间表基于lookback periodof the taxes you previously reported on Form 941 or Form 944. You can learn more about the lookback period and how to determine your deposit schedule in Publication 15. Your lookback period can change, so make sure you verify your lookback period before the beginning of every calendar year.

You must useEFTP存入您的工资税。延迟税收存款可能需要支付费用。


This is not intended as legal advice; for more information, please点击这里。

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