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Assigning Work Locations to Employees


If your business has more than one work location, you can create multiple work locations in Patriot Software and assign a location to each employee, for the purpose of correctlycalculating payroll taxes. Before you assign a work location to an employee, you must first set up your work locations at the company level. For more details, seeManaging Company Work Locations.


As a new customer in the setup wizard, after you have added your company work locations, you can now select a location to assign as you add new employees to thepayroll software. The Work Location is on the employee’s Personal Info page.

If you have not added multiple work locations at the company level, you will not see the Work Location dropdown here on the employee’s record. If your employee works primarily from their home address, and does not work at another location, select “Yes” to the question “Does this employee primarily work from home?” Their home address will be used to determine state andlocal taxesthat need to be withheld.

For employees you add after you complete the wizard, choose the Work Location on the “Add Employee” screen.

Managing Employee Work Locations

You can view a list of all employees and their assigned work locations underSettings > Company Settings > Manage Locations > Employee Locations.

To edit an employee’s work location, click the Edit icon, make your change, and click Save.

You can also view and edit each individual employee’s assigned work location under their Personal Info page on their record. Once you make a change, any payrolls run will use the most recent work location to calculate taxes.

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