If you are an employee and have any questions about your paychecks, W-2s, or using the employee portal, please contact your employer. Patriot Support staff cannot answer your questions via chat, email, or phone. We can only speak with authorized company contacts.
Background: Patriot Software Employee Portal
As a payroll customer of Patriot Software, your employees have access to their own employee portal atwww.mypatriot.comat no additional cost. Each employee will create their own username and password, and can access their own paycheck information,tax withholdinginformation, time cards (if you have our时间和出勤软件), and other employment information pertaining to them.
How to invite an employee to register for their Patriot Software employee portal
You can send a registration invitation email to each employee. When the employee receives the email invitation, they can sign up for their employee portal and access the portal immediately.
There are three ways to send an employee a portal registration invitation email:
- During the Setup Wizard:As a new customer when you add employees in the wizard, enter their email address (it can be either a business or personal email) and check the box “Send Employee Portal Registration Email.” The invitation will be sent to this email address when you finish adding the employee.
- Adding a new employee after the Wizard:当您在完成设置向导之后随时添加新员工时Payroll > Employees > Add Employee, enter their email address, and check the box “Send Employee Portal Registration Email.” The invitation will be sent to this email address when you finish adding the employee.
- Existing employees:对于您已经添加的现有员工,请转到他们的记录下Payroll > Employees > Employee List > Select Employee Name.
- Click the “Employee Portal” tab on their record.
- If the employee does not have an email address entered in their record, click “Add Email Address” and enter the employee’s email, and click “Save.” Then click “Send Invite.”
- If the employee already has an email address on their record, click “Send Invite.”
- 您将在“员工门户网站邀请发送!”的顶部看到一条绿色确认消息!
In each of the three scenarios above, the employee will receive an email with registration instructions. The email will be sent to the employee from “Do-Not-Reply@patriotsoftware.com.” Here is what the email to the employee looks like:
Viewing the Status of Employee Portal Registrations
You can view the status of each of youremployee portal software通过去注册工资单>员工>员工名单。The last column in the list is “Portal Registration.”
- Send Invite: The employee has not yet been sent an invitation. You can click “Send Invite” to go to their record and send the email invitation.
- 邀请发送:The employee has been sent an email invitation, but has not yet registered.
- 邀请发送(已过期): The employee has been sent an invitation, has not registered and the invite link has expired.You can click “Resend Send Invite” on the employee record their record and send the email invitation under the “Employee Portal” tab.
- 完全的:该员工已收到电子邮件并注册了其门户访问。
How do I resend an invitation to the employee portal?
If your employee did not register you can resend the invitation email to the employee portal. Go toPayroll > Employee List > Click the Employee name > Employee Portal tab.Click the “Resend Invite” button.
问:我的员工忘记他们的损失gin information and I can’t resend the invitation. What do I do?
You won’t be able to resend an invite if the portal registration is complete. If the employee can’t log into their portal, they can recover the username and password by clicking the links “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” onwww.mypatriot.com. You can let them know what email was used for the invitation link by going to their employee record and viewing the personal info. The email that is on the employee’s record will receive the recovery emails.