工资流程步骤1 - 工资单
Use the工资条目screen to enter hours and dollars for your employees. (For more information, see薪资入门屏幕简介)
Start a new payroll.
2. If you use different pay frequencies (such as Weekly and Biweekly), select the pay frequency for this payroll. By default the most frequent pay frequency will display. If you have Patriot’stime and attendance software,您的工资单的报名表将已经填满您的时间卡的时间将批准的时间卡发送给工资单。
3. If your business has more than one地点, you can filter employees by location and run payroll only for the locations you selected.
4. The periodstart and end dates将根据您的上一次工资进行预先填写。这是工作日期范围。如果需要,您可以更改这些日期。如果您不想使用预先填充的日期,请单击“显示高级选项”链接,然后选择“否”作为“预填充薪资日期”。
5.进入pay date。与周期开始和结束日期一样,付款日期将根据您的上一次工资进行预先填写,并且可以通过“否”在“显示高级选项”链接下的“预填充薪资日期”开始,从空白字段开始。这是您的员工计划获得薪水的日期。请注意,付款日期必须是在这三个日期中的最新日期之后:
- the date of your company’s most recent tax filing (if you are a Full Service Payroll customer),
- 您公司最近的工资历史记录的日期或
- the date your company was set up in Patriot Software.
6. By default, the payroll includes all scheduled扣除和贡献。To skip deductions or contributions for everyone, click the “Show Advanced Options” link and a list will display. Check off each item to skip for this payroll.
7.如果您提供direct depositand want toturn offdirect deposits to distribute live paper checks, change the “Enabled” button to “Disabled.”
Keep in mind, if using direct deposit, you must run payroll in time for your required ACH timing. Please read more about direct deposit timing, in our help article,Direct Deposit Funding and Timing Options.
Enter employee hours and money
- To pay each hourly employee, enter the number ofregular and overtime hours,加上任何额外的小时或金钱。
- 支付工资雇员, their “Pay?” switch is automatically turned on and included in the payroll. You can turn off the “Pay?” switch to prevent a salaried employee from receiving their regular pay.
- If a salaried employee isassigned an accrual rule, you must enter hours in order for time off to accrue. Entering additional hours will not affect the employee’s salary, but entering additional money will add to their total wages.
- In most states, you don’t have to enter hours worked for salaried employees, but you may choose to for tracking purposes. Some states do require hours entered for salaried employees for tax purposes.
不te: All active “frequently used” Hours and Money Types appear the worksheet. To see more money or hours, choose “Show All Pay Types.” To change what appears here, go toSettings > Payroll Settings > Hours & Money Types并选择经常使用的小时和金钱类型。要激活或灭活时间或金钱,请单击“编辑”并检查或取消选中积极的盒子。
Be sure to check out our help article,如何to Pay a Bonus in Patriot Software.
If you have set up a重复金钱类型for an employee, the additional dollar amount will automatically appear in your payroll entry screen. You can change or remove this dollar amount if needed.
You have the option to tax money at the supplemental tax rate determined by the IRS. Check the Supplemental Flat Rate Tax checkbox that appears under the selected money type. For more information on taxes forsupplemental pay, see “如何to Tax Supplemental Pay。”
To stop the payroll process and finish it later, clickSave Entries。If you save this payroll and leave this page, you will see a “Continue Your Payroll” link on the Payroll left menu, reminding you to finish this payroll. You can also click “Clear Entries” to delete all your entries on this page and start over.
For each contractor you want to pay, select their 1099 Type, Expense Account, Department (if you track this), and the dollar amount to pay. For more details, see如何to Pay 1099 Contractors in Payroll。
Continue to Step 2
Proceed to步骤2 - 批准工资单。